Saturday, June 19, 2010

getting your arse kicked

today i would like to talk about the movie 'kickass'. many reviews have already been written about it. But i thought i might input my opinion also. For starters the movie is a kind of a noirish spoof. For one we have our hero, who deceides to become a superhero 'kickass' in real life. He gets kicked, stabbed, hit by a car and called a homo, And on the other side we have a 11 year old 'hit girl' who as a masked vigilante kills bad guys in worst ways than uma thurman does in kill bill. If kickass makes us laugh and say "idiot thought superheros are real".then hit girl would would make us question vary nature of whats real. Its a real great combo of whats real. Yet in many parts the movie resorts to old plot techniques. The boy getting the girl by revealing to her his secret identity is old, so is the scene where one of the villians henchmen steals a bazooka from hitgirl's home. We know that it will be fired at the end.
One of the most interesting charecters in the movie is 'red mist'. 'Red mist' who is really the bad guys son. Dreams becoming a supervillian like the ones in the comics he reads. However as the story progress we realise he is just an ordinary teenager wishes to earn his father's respect. Only at the end, after his father's gruesome death at the hands of kickass, does he becomes a true villian
In the end kickass is guilty fun to watch. If you are into dark humor then you are in for a treat

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